“Vampire Hunter D: Tale of the Dead Town” – H. Kikuchi

31 Dec

This is a review of the fourth book in Hideyuki Kikuchi’s series about the Vampire Hunter D.

You can find the reviews of book one, of book two, and of book three here.

The City, a tiny metropolis of a few hundred sheltered souls, floating serenely on a seemingly random course. It has long been thought safe from the predation of the marauding monsters on the ground. It seems like a paradise. But it is shattered when a n invason of apparent vampires threaten the small haven. While D struggles to exterminate the scourge, the brash John M. Brasselli Pluto VIII is up to something. And when the city lurches onto a new and deadly course, D’s travails are just beginning.

Although there wasn’t much development in D’s personal story, there was more than enough things about this story to keep it interesting. The flying town, secluded and insular as it is, made for a perfect setting. Mayor Ming’s dream and philosophy was definitely worth exploring more, but otherwise the characters themselves were excellent.

The sherriff and his cronies were a bit stereotypical, but Mayor Ming was much better. He had a depth and a desire to his dream for what the flying town should be and represent, and it was almost freaky to see just how far he was willing to go to make it happen.

Pluto VIII was a joy to read about, and he definitely needed more screen time in the book. He could have been so much more of a hindrance and a help. What was truly a joy was that for once there was a female character who wasn’t raped or lusted after by every male around her. Lori Knight is so far the strongest female character in the series, and Dr. Tsurugi was an excellent addition with a tiny little detail that harked back to the very first book in the series.

The freakiest thing was the vampire-infection and the dead Nobility cemetary where the experiments ended up. That bit had so much potential to be down right freaky and frightening, and it needed more screen time.

There isn’t actually much really back to say about this particular story.

Granted, things could have been explained better, and more time could have been used on really getting the mood and the setting just perfect, but there were only two really bad things that were noticable:

1) An entire conversation with a doctor that introduced important characters and relayed information that is somewhat important, seems to have been entirely skipped. Either it was just bad writing by the author, or the translator forgot this bit and then no one caught the mistake.


2) Mayor Ming having lived for two hundred years in a world where only vampires can do it, and no one bats and eyelash? It does not make sense. There was a single hint given as to how he could be so old, but it came far too late. And the explanation as to what he was could have been given more backstory as to how it was possible.

Other than that, this was the best Vampire Hunter D story I have read so far!

I really recommend this book!

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Posted by on December 31, 2019 in Action Adventure, Books, Fantasy, Sci-Fi


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